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MovIT-ML Services

Machine Learning Platform

Three innovations have accelerated the arrival of predictive analytics to companies: affordable parallel computing, Big Data, and better algorithms design. Now, every device that interacts with a network of ubiquitous Machine Learning algorithms will share and contribute to your intelligence.

The use of predictive algorithms is now an essential part of taking effectiveness to a new level. Today we are doing analyses that an executive could not have done 10 years ago; the same will happen in the future.

We offer a simple, user-friendly, and easy-to-understand platform that runs all the predictive algorithms created for the company, in all its operational, functional and strategic areas.

In addition, we develop within the Big Data environment to take advantage of its benefits:


Ability to analyze large amounts of information
We process at the Petabytes level, even for online consultations


Ability to perform in real-time or minimum time analysis of batch processes
We work with the Spark framework, to process the data, but leveraged on the distributed file system of Hadoop..

Hadoop vs. Spark: Velocidad y Tiempo Real

Un programa en Spark se ejecuta hasta 100 veces mas rápido que Hadoop en memoria y 10 veces más rápido si el accseso es desde disco

Equivalentes de Hadoop
  • Spark SQL
  • Spark Steaming
  • MLlib (Machine Learning)
  • GrapgX (Graph)
Apache Spark

HDFS – (Hadoop Distribuited File System)


Ability to use different data sources
Experience in Structured and Non-Structured Data, analyzing data in its use, content and structure. Google Analytics and Brandwatch integration capabilities.


Analytical capability with available information.
Our platform includes its own CLEAN DATA process. Algorithms always generate results, even if the information is not initially clean.