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Business Case

Execute a Promotion -

There are many types of consumers on the market, with very different characteristics and needs, who are looking for a specific type of product or service.

For this, companies need to have the ability to segment customers by any attribute, characteristic, behavior or even event of the day, to achieve commercial objectives and business success.

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Adding Product to Customer -

Currently our customers demand a personalized attention, wishing a basket totally attached to their habits and preferences as a consumer.

This provides an opportunity for companies to identify which items are truly profitable and successful for each customer, based on their profiles and historical sales behavior.

Product Packages

In today's consumer world, impulse purchases are made in 88% of cases in response to market offers.

And a very effective strategy is to offer product packages. The problem lies in determining the 'perfect' combination of items for a specific group of consumers. In addition to considering the strategy by product category or branch where it will be offered.